
Qualitative research is ideal for understanding behaviour, uncovering motivation, exploring attitudes and developing ideas. All qualitative research is led by Helen Lancaster. Methodologies include:

  • Focus groups ... online video and face-to-face
  • Depth interviews . . . online video, telephone, face-to-face

Quantitative research measures attitudes and behaviour and is ideal for providing the hard, unequivocal numverial evidence that is often needed to support or guide a business decision. Quantitative surveys are conducted on-line, by telephone and face-to face.

Research participants are accessed using a variety of methods, depending on circumstances, via:

  • Social media
  • Websites
  • Customer lists
  • Large scale market research Panels
  • Active recruitment ... doorstep, telephone, in-street, public places, e.g. bus,train, sports centres, cafe

The research methodology advised is always fit for purpose, taking into account the client, research audience, subject matter, budget, and timescale … and its rationale is always fully explained.  Crystal Market Research’s case studies give real life examples of how and why different research methodologies have worked in different circumstances.